
Here lies Martes Flavigula, eternally beneath the splintered earth.

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My true love pouts steadfastly at the bottom of a well
Fri, 11 Jul, 2014 20.45 UTC

As I have stated numerous times in my handwritten journals, and under these same circumstances, I have certainly neglected this poor journal. I’d say that it won’t happen again, but that would be a blatant blight against future reality. Of course it will happen again. I am negligent. I lapse. I am just a small, cute pine marten, so what in the name of the deity mustelid’s holy tracks along the bank of the Ebro do you expect?

I begin this entry whilst waiting for 17.00 to roll around - for siesta to end on this chatter-filled Friday. I need to buy an adapter at the local electronics market that converts HDMI to a normal RGB plug. You see, Marisa has left her projector with me. It happens to be a very ancient piece of equipment that doesn’t recognize these new-fangled cables. And much to her dismay yesterday evening, we could not connect the confounded device to my ultra-modern laptop. She ended up calling her son to bring her laptop to us so we could watch the film she insisted was one of the Spanish greats. This Spanish great turned out to be a romantic comedy that was somewhat funny. My favourite genre of films is not romantic comedy, however, as most readers might assume. Hopefully I can expand her horizons movie-wise in the future.

Now I am off to get that adapter. IF they have it. If not - fuck um.

Along with martens, goulish goats and the rippling fen -
these writings 1993-2023 by Bob Murry Shelton are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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