
Here lies Martes Flavigula, eternally beneath the splintered earth.

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A long line of insects are awaiting your fly swatter
Sun, 27 Dec, 2015 19.55 UTC

I don’t like to think of them in this manner, but at times, Marisa’s explanations to me come across as lectures. She was, after all, a teacher at one point in her life. Not only that, but she was a teacher of children. I am certain this sort of profession can skew one’s personal relations for a lifetime.

I don’t like to be lectured.

As Shambal Brambel would say:

I force my veined member into her orifice. She can say no more. Except for shuffling and a slow gurgle, all is quiet.

The Fresneda Family (as is called both the clan and the WhatsApp group) is a stable compoud. The nucleus is the grandparents. According to Marisa, they worked to secure a place (or places - there are two more or less adjacent houses) to which the family, or clan could come congregate. It is a place to be together. It is a place to perpetuate bonds - to wrap and rewire circuits that are not even tattered.

I told Christian the following earlier:

They attempt to keep this cluster of humans tight. Their efforts to integrate me will never be successful, as I am too much of an intrevert and loner, much to many of their chagrins. Some seemed baffled that I was leaving to go visit others during this time.

Even though some (like Alfredo this time round) try to encircle me in conversation, I am still an outsider. He presents topics that he thinks that I will appreciate, from which I could gain knowledge. I listen. I am still an outsider. I mostly just listen. I am not comfortable enough with Spanish to retort or even agree in a scholarly fashion most of the time. I need to choose my words deliberately. This is another reason that I am outside of the circle. The clan.

My best bonding experience in Fresneda was over one and a half years prior, with Ivan. I believe one reason that we bonded was that he is also an outsider. He is the boyfriend of Anna - neice of Marisa. So he is too far from the foci (grandparents). We related almost immediately and created our own mini-clan within and at the sametime apart from the home-clan.

Remember: CLAN GLAND – slant rhymes, and oh so fine. They reverse to relate in a handly slanty fashion, baby.

Along with martens, goulish goats and the rippling fen -
these writings 1993-2023 by Bob Murry Shelton are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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