
Here lies Martes Flavigula, eternally beneath the splintered earth.

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The Scent Of Cumin and Bacon from her Flesh
Sat, 06 Feb, 2016 10.10 UTC

Indeed, the bacon is frying amid cumin. I will always recall that Acy’s love of bacon is unequalled. Or at least WAS unequalled. I ponder at times whether it was the reason for Ramona’s departure. One of several, I suspect. Relationships are the gradual accumulation of disdain. Miniscule granules lump together to eventually be indistinguishable.

I am reminded of a conversation that Acy and I had in the back, screened-in kitchen of his place in Austin. (Note: A place that is missed - a fantastic place - one I regret I’ll never see again) I was probably cooking some sort of bratwurst and the topic of spinach came up. He comforted me in the thought that if I eat enough of it, I’ll die of vitamin a poisoning. Ha! How many cubic meters a day, Ace-man?

Regardless of his overreaching need to prove his correctness scientifically, Acy is charming and a person that I dearly miss. That bastard should come to Spain. Now!

A possibly viral incessant cough arrived in Marisa’s pecho last night. Now, she lies in bed, suffering. Her voice is nearly gone, ragged. It did not help that her children yesterday created a situation of nefarious stress. Miguel elected to take María and the perro (Uriel, no known as Charlie) to Ezcaray with the vehicle in which Uriel is forbidden.

Miguel seems to buck his mother’s wishes at every slight bend of the corridor these days. In my opinion, it is the direct result of his relationship with Andrea.

Andrea is a controladora, an only child on which attention was always heaped. She knows little of any other life. One is reminded that all of this is from my observations and therefore my opinion. I continue. She has Miguel wrapped in a shroud of fear - the fear of irking her in any manner whatsoever.

Yesterday, Marisa told me that María told her (yeah - indirection) that Miguel is afraid to speak out to Andrea’s face and that he retains his ire to explode upon his friends and family. Well, she only mentioned family, but I know from experience that anyone in a social circle that at any time excludes the perpetrator (Andrea, in this case) becomes a victim.

Marisa has also told me several times that Miguel is the stereotypical good son (cue the Sylvian tune). Whether this means, as the first child, he was babied during his life so far by his mother or just behaved ideally or a combination, I am not completely sure. The conclusion is, Andrea being his first serious relationship, his behaviour has remained the same, but the mother role has been transferred. If this is the case, she has total control over Miguel without the forgiving, understanding attitude of Marisa.

I search my memory for my adolescence. I could not tell anything of my own ire or even more miniscule feelings to my parents in fear of reprisal. The situation is similar, as they had no perception of leniency or forgiveness. I digress.

Marisa furthered her opinion by stating that Andrea is poison to the family, in general. I’d further this by adding to anyone she disapproves of in his life.

Somebody needs to slap that whore around.

Along with martens, goulish goats and the rippling fen -
these writings 1993-2023 by Bob Murry Shelton are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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