
Here lies Martes Flavigula, eternally beneath the splintered earth.

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You have a glop of id running down your cheek
Fri, 04 Mar, 2016 09.51 UTC

Just earlier, I sent a message to Christián telling him that he is a ego-stroking megalomaniac. I enjoy poking at him about his self-absorbed attitude often. The reason for my abuse is not so much that he really is a ego-stroking megalomaniac but that he is sensitive about it. Jayson told me many times that my greatest talent was making those around me introspect. I’ve always had problems when people around me did not notice their own actions and especially the way they projected themselves onto others. My observation has always been and still is that people in general lack self-observation.

But that was not what I was going to type into this greasy terminal.

I’d not like to think as myself as also a megalomaniac, but I am certainly ego-stroking. I muse to myself many times a day during intellectually idle instants that I’d rather return to activities that make me happy. Activities that stroke my ego. I dislike ego projection and call it megalomania. Introverted ego-stroking is very fecund, however. Were I not to spend many chunks of time every day in pursuit of my own happiness, I’d break down.

I see so many broken men and women! Fuck um.

And I don’t want to break down. Whatever I can say about my mental fragility, supportive or contrary, without following my own possible footsteps I always see receding into the distance, I’d be truly wandrering in limbo. Another discussion that has passed between myself and other denizens of my life is how relationships encircle and prevent one from stepping outside to follow said footsteps. That circle tightens and tightens and finally one loses sight forever of those mythical prints.

Most people inhabit that circle in the name of security.


Fuck um.

Along with martens, goulish goats and the rippling fen -
these writings 1993-2023 by Bob Murry Shelton are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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