
Here lies Martes Flavigula, eternally beneath the splintered earth.

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Goading the Schleimscheisser on
Mon, 28 May, 2001 15.32 UTC

Whoopie! Today I finalized my residence and work permit in the nefarious, humid, crowded Kreisverwaltungsreferat. Say that 26 times quickly. Fucksheep seems to be down. No idea why. The weekend was filled with pattern matching code which flowed from my fingers and into Emacs flawlessly (well, actually with a few flaws, but they can be overlooked). But, unfortunately, I did not even as much as touch my guitar. Can I will myself to remedy this today?

As in the past, the onslaught of encroaching summer hate (heat) dulls my will and ambition. But I shall stay stranded in this concrete hades until in my pocket once again are those colourful notes which promote escape.

Sweltering afternoon in someone else's stolen homeland
Mon, 28 May, 2001 20.58 UTC

So I have just spent an hour updating my livejournal “interests”. A few surprising notes: I found another Magma fan, a Henry Cow fan, and a few other fractional siblings in thought. It is just simply amazing the kind of people you can find when you have a site available to the diversity offered on the internet. One thing I did notice, however, and which disappointed me, is that very few journals I perused were written by non-USA-type-people (only one, in fact).

Still no work on “Stone Calendar”. I shall soon walk the fifteen minute walk to my place of residence and prepare humous (interspersed with the taking up of my gueetar and layin’ some mean chords onto tape).


Along with martens, goulish goats and the rippling fen -
these writings 1993-2023 by Bob Murry Shelton are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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