
Here lies Martes Flavigula, eternally beneath the splintered earth.

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Inner dialog
Fri, 30 Sep, 2016 12.44 UTC

A conversation with the Christián Newman (see below) earlier got me thinking about the connection between *inner dialog* and a sort of self-attribution. When I, or anyone else, introduces a topic, Christián often directs the course of conversation towards facets of the topic he has included in one of his creative endeavours. My friend almost perpetually has a stream of said *inner dialog* flowing beneath any personal interaction. Thus, attaching a topic to that dialog is not really surprising. From an outs...

Cognitive bias
Wed, 28 Sep, 2016 11.36 UTC

Continued from yesterday, my precious horde. > Very strong English (especially American) accents annoy me. It's easier to bear the fools these days, actually. Another product of living with women for the majority of the last eleven years is a swelling in my personality's penumbra called *patience*. I have always criticised others for not looking beyond the tone and delivery of speech to the actual words themselves. I've been a hypocrite! Well, at least some of the time - that is, when I don't catch myself...

Wed, 28 Sep, 2016 09.54 UTC

Christián would be proud of me this *morning* as I have resisted the urge to stumble to the toilet and relieve my bowels. Great effort is required to achieve this feat. My mind battles the urges of my body. I am cleansed in my reverence for the spiritual. I have rounded the final bend of the river and can now clearly see the sea stretching blue against the horizon. From the peak, the remainder of my days are a pleasant, even enthralling downhill rush. When I am torn apart in the delta, in my transcendence, ...

Tue, 27 Sep, 2016 12.01 UTC

On 25 December, 2005, I was inspired by a woman named *Jana* that I only met once at [Na Květnici](https://www.google.es/maps/place/Restaurant+Na+Kv%C4%9Btnici/@50.061242,14.4391018,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x655e184a6d8a3b29!8m2!3d50.061242!4d14.4391018) during December of the previous year, methinks, or even of the same year. Since I have begun to see through the *flimsy* partitions between universes, my estimation of time has drifted from its exacting nature into a sort of muddled horse-shoe toss. #### W...

Tue, 27 Sep, 2016 10.47 UTC

I refuse to believe that this particular entry is for purposes of testing the new *layout* of *Martenblog*. I worked on rebuilding it system from scratch during the whole of the flimsy weekend. Why was the weekend flimsy, you ask? Well, my pugnacious starbeam, I felt light, as if I were drifting from one state of consciousness to another. I most likely was. And probably still am. I began my reconstruction with a new framework dubbed [Alkali](https://github.com/kriszyp/alkali). The result was a wasted five...

Wed, 21 Sep, 2016 08.24 UTC

I began reading *The Ghosts of Evolution* by Connie Barlow a few days ago. The digital tome is a enumeration of fruits with attached stories concerning their evolution alongside mammals utilised to distribute their seeds. These mammals were but *propagation machines* and nothing more. I agree with this use of mammals, in general. Anyhow, Miss Connie's focus is on a number of fruits that still exist whilst their means of propagation do not. A prime example is the avocado, whose flesh tastily enfolds a seed ...

Tue, 20 Sep, 2016 09.15 UTC

> A fork in the proverbial road and Shambal chooses the way more recently paved and travelled since he's hoping to meet more chicks. It's a truth that one cannot ignore that Shambal was once a prolific womaniser. One of the many epitaphs crudely carved into his immense sarcophagus reads *Although his flesh wilts, his stillborn progeny plough other pastures*. As an aside, the mystery of the tomb persists through the ages and leaks across countless quantum universes. You see, dastardly reader, Shambal was th...

Sat, 13 Aug, 2016 15.48 UTC

I started going to a psychiatrist recently. She prescribed a type of anti-depressant. I cannot recall the exact name, or even the inexact name right now, so I shan't mention it. The pills have ostensibly been affecting my system, my outlook and my personality in general for approximately two weeks now. Have I noticed any differences? #### I am not very sure, Mr. Goat. Although a paranoia piquing in my system guesses that the chemical itself denies me the ability to sense its effects, I am merely guessing...

Wed, 20 Jul, 2016 13.30 UTC

The female sitting in the seat in front and to my right has a skull. Well, reasonably enough, all female humans have skulls. Let's not forget rodents. Female rodents also have skulls. The unusuality about the particular skill in front and to the right of me is that it resembles Susie's skull to an almost disturbing degree. The curvacious lips tip a slightly protruding jaw. Her maw widens and narrows like Susie's. Being an American human (or rodent - it's hard to tell from this angle), she even speaks like S...

Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 15.53 UTC

Shambal Brambel sits at his usual table in *The Rabbit's Foot* tavern. With his back unassailable, the corner table gives him view of the whole room, even through muddy air bereft of wafting currents. The tavern isn't particularly large, but somehow cluttered and cramped tables make it appear grander. Bar flies bumble and stagger towards and then away from him. Shambal doesn't bother to brush them away or even give them a glance. Only the barkeep keeps him company, if *company* is what it can be called. He...

Thu, 14 Jul, 2016 15.51 UTC

Ashley pointed out on Facebook: > I keep seeing things like, "People shouldn't be doing (fun thing) when (problem) is happening in the world!" This reasoning essentially chastises anyone who ever does a fun thing, since there are always huge problems in the world. So, no dinner with friends while there's a refugee crisis. No karaoke while there's war. No water skiing while there's poverty. We must solve everything before anyone is allowed a moment of happiness. Since I was a child, I have found myself in ...

Along with martens, goulish goats and the rippling fen -
these writings 1993-2023 by Bob Murry Shelton are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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