
Here lies Martes Flavigula, eternally beneath the splintered earth.

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Lakife - Vocabulary

anja - female
anju - male
ar - himself / herself / itself / yourself / myself
ariz - of him / her / your / my / itself
fal - during / about / among
falipot - during little time (rarely)
falu - duration
falun - granfalloon / farse
famupot - during much time (often)
fatip - joke
feha(ra) - made / created from particle
fehut - probably
fejs - cosmos / universe
fek - at / concerning / as a means of / to
fel - peace
fela - joy
felu - contentment
femole - to here
fen - greenness?
fenatz - of width / wide
fenoz - concerning night / darkly
fenozu - blackness
fenu - green
Fenut - Venus (green planet)
fepa - possibly
fepar - adroitly
fepom - slowly
ferix - rapidly
fespal - at the back
fetosin - colourful
fetou - try (aspect)
fezoru - falsely
fiak - taste
fihel - roll
filin - violin
fison - vision
fix - skin
fix - skin / surface
fixu - touch (sensation)
fixu zin - caress / light touch
fohiqa - quality of life
Folor - flower
folu (fe)lofez - general public quality opinion
folu - quality
folu hal - high quality
folu haru - middle quality / resonant quality / just right
folu lil - little quality
folu mut - much (many) quality
folu soxel - superficial aesthetic quality
folu tul - low quality
fos - origin
fosja - sprout / bud / embryo
fosju - origin thing / seed / egg
foxajufel - the search for peace
ful - large
funol - past
funole - specific time in the past (then)
funolu - before (adv. in time)
funolu mik - early / just before
funolu mikuk - very early
fur - before
hais - dense
Hal - up / above / high / great / more
hale - top / apex
halen - upwards
halja - augmentation / rise
hanol - great time / long time
hap - heat
hapa - fire
hapju - warmth
haqu - air
har - creation
hara - expanding place / creation
harat - essence
harja - functionality
harju - (discrete) operation
haru - middle / nucleus / center / self / stable place
hel - turn / twist
helja - wind / snake
helju - loop
helu - angle
hepel - dull / torpid / lethargic / obtuse
hija - living thing / creature
hiju - life / evidence of life
hiju jeliz - mammal
hiju letiz - bird
hijuqa - animal
hijuqa konuika - riding animal / horse
hijuqa tel - fish
hijuqa xil zir tul - long broad low animal / pig
hijuqa xizitul - long broad low animal / pig
hijuqu - plant
hiq - being
hiqa - life
hiqases - breath
hiqases - breath
hiqaum - dead / lifeless
hiqu - existence
hoj - ouch! damn!
Hol sylet - Next thing
holap - something
holat - rodent
holat les - squirrel
hole - this thing
holek - everything
holit - what thing?
holum - nothing
hotzisim - refrigerator
hoxaju - the sought thing
hujiz - throat sounds / grunts / wails
hujiz lanas - human throat sounds / voices
hun - dog
hup - sound
hup sesiz laniz - sound of wind of human
hupa - music
hupol - mouth
hupu - noise / static
hut - probability
i - yes
ja - action / movement / transformation
jatul - apple
jatzija - to force to transact / transform / go (jax + tzija)
jaum - static / not moving / not changing
jehiju - mammal
jekofosju - fruit
jekofosju telum - dry fruit / nut
jel - milk
jen ketafi - one and a half
Jen Taf Tir Kar Pet Sis Sequm Hoz Tef Seqen - one to ten
jena - singular / unique
jenju - principal / main
Jenol - one continuous time?
jenolja - once
jenu - alone / only
jet - food
jet fosju - egg
jet fosju / jefosju - food seed / nut
jet kofosju - food with seed (fruit) (jet kon fosu jetz)
jet muta - repeating food / meal
jet muta haru - main meal / lunch
jetz - association / interaction
jetzan - of it
jezor - same(ness) / similarity
jiz - gullet / throat
jo - actor / impetus / ergative particle
ju - thing / apparatus
ju lijo tzipol jet kofosu - thing that opens fruit / nutcracker
jupoj(u) - tidiness / order / organization
kalapel - idle negative talk / scurrilous talk / gossip
kapez - head
Karen - pencil
kekar (lipiz tetyk) halja - spring (fourth of rise)
kekar (lipiz tetyk) hap - summer (fourth of heat)
kekar (lipiz tetyk) sim - winter (fourth of cold)
kekar (lipiz tetyk) tulja - autumn (fourth of decline)
kekar - fourth
kekar lipiz tetyk - season (fourth of a year)
kekoletz - opposite direction / away
kekon - opposite / across / against
kekotet - north / south / across the sun
keris - rat
ketaf - half
ketir - third
kez - goat
kezip - difference
kif - alcohol
kif - alcohol
kifja - quenching of alcoholic thirst
kifja - quenching of alcoholic thirst
Kitab - book
kitar - guitar
kofela - joyful
kofelu - content
kohal - addition
komul - multiplication
kon - besides / towards / in the company of
kon ar jetz - together
kona - keeping / maintaining
konju - keeper / maintainer
konuika - movement with the top of something / riding
kop - head
kopeit - domestic
kot - deity
kotaf - division
kotix - silent
kotul - subtraction
kotz - cat
kotzom - abrupt
kurafe zipiki hijuqa xizituliz - the prostitute and the side of pork
lak - tongue
lakif - language
laku - taste
lam - designation?
lamu - label / name / tag
Lanas - person
lanas kon luneja xap - person with weak judgement / fool
lanas kon luneja xap li qikon af myxa muta jezor liz - a fool fancying cliches / fool who wants the same repeated ideas
lanas kon myharu xap (jetz) - person with weak thought center / idiot / imbecile
lanas mut - crowd (of people)
lanas peit liz - countryman / fellow townsman / person in the same region
lanas pelimol - close people / neighbours / roommates / flatmates
lanas pelimol peitu liz - flatmate / roommate
lanas tzuipax - invited person / guest
lankaren - writer
lanlofez - peasant
lapis - pen
laret - art
las - the act of killing for food / hunt
lasehup - human voice
lasehupa - human singing
lasja - hunter
lasju - prey
lem - word
les - tree
let - fly / hover / levitate
letz - direction
letza - vector / course
Lil - few / infrequent
lil - little / infrequent
linol - little / short time
lip - ellipse / circle / orbit
lip tetyk - year
lipju - wheel
lix - difference / distinction
lizar - young (little age)
lofez - sheep
lok - eye
lokja - visibility
loku - sight
lot - machine
lot pefoju liz - momentum machine
lotja - movement machine / transformation machine
luneja - judgement (subjective)
lunel - observation
lunela - evaluation (objective)
luz - ear
luzja - a listen
luzu - hearing
mal - small
map - covering
mapu - shelter
Maret - Mars (red planet)
maru - red
met - fresh
mez - mouse
mifel - in peace / peaceful (state)
mifelu - content (state)
miharja - functioning / on
miharjaum - not- functional / off
miharjaum pa / miharja paum - inert (cannot be functional)
mik - just (modifyer)
mikifu - to be drunk
mikifu - to be drunk
miqir - sky
miqisimu - snow
miqitel - rain (sky water)
miref tul - lying (position)
miriz - crossed / perpendicular
miriz hal - standing
miriz tul - sitting
miusyk - hidden
miuzanu li - it is said that / it is cultural knowledged that
mofek - at the place
mofix - border place / crossing/ partition
mohal - big (size)
mohalja - inflation (in space)
mokolep - park
mokot - church
molanas - place of people / town / city
molap - somewhere
mole - here (this place)
molek - everywhere
moles - forest
moles hais hap - jungle
molit - where?
molja - movement
molju - place
molum - nowhere
motomir - place of sleep / bed
motyk - position
motz - urine
mou - obligation
moxaju - the sought place
moxilu - unit in space
muihar - made (of)
muizar - aged
mut - frequent / much
muta - repeated
mutenju - collection of days / couple of days
mutenjue - the collection of days / week
mutenjue jeniz - first day of the week / monday
mutju - many things / group / collection
mutju myx - collection of thoughts / message
mutu - sporadic
muzar - old (many age)
myharu - thought center / brain
myharu xap - weak thought center / feeble mind
myx - thought
myx map - hidden thought / secret
myxa - idea
myxa sil - strong idea / advice
myxu - idle thought / daydream
myxu map - hidden idea / secret
naf - leaf / paper / sheet
naham - foot
naj - containment case (locative?)
nak - leg
nal - salt
nasin - path / road / system / method / doctrine (more abstract)
nasinu - path / road (contrete)
nat / tul - below / under
natol - anus
natz - width / breadth / x coordinate space
nax - orange
neimolja - vehicle
neimolja tel - boat
neit - receptacle / container
nir - interior
nis - of a place (part of prepositional phrase)
nofix - border time
nohalja - augmmentation (in time)
nol - time / duration
nol plax - bad time
nol tetz - good time
nolamuta - repeated time / intermittence
nolap - sometime
nole - now
nole - now (this time)
nolek - always
nolit - when?
Nolja - occasion (nolja sylet - next time. nolja mut - many times)
nolja muta - repeated occasion
Nolju - instant
nolum - never
nomut - much time / frequent
nos - nose
nosu - smell
noxaju - the sought time
noxilu - unit in time
noz - night / dark / black
nozol(e) - because / for that reason
nozu - darkness
nufix - touch (sensation)
nuik - the top of something / upper surface
nul - nothing / zero
nulu - void / limbo
nutet - west / along the sun
nutzen - along the ground
nutzen tzija - move along the ground / creep / crawl
nutzenja - creeping / crawling / moving along the ground
nuz - on / along / because of / by using
nuzol - because (connective / adverb)
nuzole - for this reason
pa - possibility
paharja - has utility / has the ability to be functional / "util"
pakon - possibility of having
par - adroit / dexterous
pasiz - leprosy
pax - request / query
pax mimole - be here query / invitation
paxom - be present query / invitation
pefoja - rhythm
pefoja tam liz - blood rhythm / pulse
pefoju - momentum / energy
pefosa - from seed (growth - of plants)
pehiqa - without life / lifeless / dead
peimu / peimapu - house / domicile
peit - area of residence
peitu - home / permanent area of residence
pejer - strut / support
pejer lan - cane (for walking)
pelimol - nearness / proximity
pelin(ol) - soon
pelinole - up until now
pelis - hence / until / toward / on behalf of
pelis nole - until (the time that) connector
pelja - almost
peloketz - blind
pelokja - invisibility
peltet - east / towards the sun
pemole - from here
pepeit - wild
perik - danger
perital - friend
Perpet - circle
pes - since / far from / from / without
pes myx fek nol jetz - patiently
peten - brightness / radiance
petetar - bastard
petju - acquisition
petopa - acquiring / taking
petopu - acquisition
pez - light brown
pihal - excessive(ly)
pilos - side
pilos - side
Piluf - bloom
pin - finalization
pinu - end
pir - above / over / in place of
Plax - bad
plez - kiss
plimyx - aspiration
plimyxu - objective (intellectual)
plizan - aspiration (metaphysical)
plizanja - yearning
plizanu - objective (metaphysical)
plof - substance
plof tyk nal - salt (in granules)
plof tyk soliz - grainy substance
plof tyk suj - sugar (sweet grainy substance)
pol - opening / orifice
polju - thing of opening / opener
polju fosju liz - seed opener / nutcracker
polju jekofosju liz - nutcracker
pom - slow
ponozan - prediction
ponozanja - prediction / predictable
ponozanjaum - unpredictable
posa - expression
posa fela - expression of joy
posa fela ret - smile
posu - sensation (not touch) / emotion
potom - after / behind / beyond
potonol - future
potonol - undetermined time in the past
potonole - specific time in the future (then)
potonolu - after (adv. in time)
potonolu mik - late / just after
potonolu mikuk - very late
potonozan - prediction
pouj(u) - vastness / great space or time / openness / infinity
pox - flatness
pozon - poison
prak - hurling device
pus - bus
qat - state (physiological / psychological / morphological)
qifen - to turn green
qiharja paum - broken / cannot become functional
qihupol - to yammer
qipefoju - energize
qisas - attain velocity
qouf - smell
qulan - primate
qulan tul - monkey
qur - result / solution / calculation
quru - correct
rajs - foundation / base / basis (abstract)
ref - straight / along / parallel
rejx - anger
rejxa - rage
rejxu - scorn / idle anger
rek - around / in the immediate vicinity of / circling
ret - lip
retena - radiant
rez - consciousness
rezu - rationality
rix - rapid
riz - intersection / perpendicular-ness / cross
rok - around / in spite of
rolap - in some manner / way
role - in this manner
role - in this manner / way
role - this way / how / such (that)
role xutz liz - in a violent wa
rolek - in every manner / way
rolit - how?
rolum - in no manner / way
rosonulen - suddenly
rox - break / crack / fracture / rupture
rox - crack / fracture
ruk - arm
rukam - hand
rut - root / source / fountain (tangible)
sak - bag
sas - velocity
sefu - sphere / ball / round
seif - diffuse
ses - spirit / ghost
sesa - wind / air
Sikul - sign / banner / flag
sil - strong / intense
sim - cold
sima - ice
sipas - cytoplasm / atmosphere / inner air / inner fluid
Smet - death
smut - sadness
sofor - work
sofora - active, laborious work
soforu - meditative work
sohalja - inflation (in amount)
soharju - elaboration / performance
soharju hup - concert
sohiqu - death / afterlife / outside of life
solap - some quantity
sole - this much
solek - all quantities (greatest quantity?)
solit - how much?
solju - amount thing / currency
Soloz - tear
solu - amount
solum - no amount / quantity
somut - many / much amount
somut zir - great amount of width
sonulen - sudden
sopen - beginning
sopen - beginning / start
soq - tooth
soq potomek - tooth big-beyond / overbite
soqofur - front tooth
sot - outside / out of
sot ... jetz - From the essence of something
soxel - body / form / shape
soxfolu (fe)lofez - general public superficial aesthetic quality opinion
soxfolu - superficial aesthetic quality
sozen - journey / sojourn
spal - back
suj - sweet thing
suk - train
sulex - exertion
sulex pefoja - dance / drumming
sur - grain
sur pez - wheat
sur ten - rice
syk - hidden thing / hidden part
sykju - cover / top
sykju tuhamiz - floor covering / carpet / rug
Sylet - next
syt - fun / diversion / distraction
syt hutiz - gamble / gambling
taf - two
tafju - division / branch
tafju les liz - tree division / branch
tafju pejer - bough
talotja - machine that moves blood / heart
tam - blood
tanolja - twice
Tar - coffee
taxil - plane
taz - heavy / weight
tekut - liquid
tel - water
tel haquiz - water vapor
tel haquiz hais - mist / fog
tel nal - salt water
telja - quenching of thirst
telja - quenching of thirst
telum - waterless / dry
temul - longing / yearning
ten - light / white / day
ten fure (jeniz) - yesterday
ten fure tafiz - two days ago
ten potome (jeniz) - tomorrow
ten potome tafiz - two days from now
ten sylet - tomorrow (next day)
tena - glow
tenu - lightness / whiteness
tepol - vagina (spawn-hole)
tet - parent
tetyk - photon / star
tetyk hal - high sun / noon
tetyk yziz / tetyk soletiz - our star (the sun)
tetz - good
tex - offspring
tex lizar - child
tex lizarotz - baby
tex tetiz jezor - child of same parent / sibling
texotz - small child / offspring / cub
tihiqu - birth
tilok - sight
tin - in / into / according to
tin ... jetz - according to / associated with
tin ... nis - inside / in / at
tin ... pot - at this time / moment
tin ... topen - to within / into
tipol - vagina (copulatory hole)
tix - silence
tixil - 3d space
tof - confidence / trust
tofju - person of confidence / trust
tofju myxa - someone one can relate to
tomija - life-like sleep / dream
tomir - sleep
topen - vector
tosin - colour
tou - wish / hope
Tul - down / below / low / little / less
tulen - downwards
tulja - decline
tunaham - floor
turam - prison
turos - disorder / disarray / shambles
tyk - point / atom / dot / singularity
Tzaj - tea
tzem - earth / ground / soil
tzem falun - country / state
tzem zir - plain
tzem zir muihar xilju fen - meadow / pasture
tzem zir xilju fen naj - meadow / pasture
tzemju - piece of land / plot
tzexaif - natural structure
tzifala - to prolong
tzifalu - to cut short (in time)
tzihal - increase
tzihara - to create
tzihoxaja - to search (for a thing)
tzihupol - to talk aimlessly
tzihupolax - to rant
tzihupoluk - to yell
tzija (mol) - to move / go / transform place
tzija - transact / give / transform / change / exchange
tzija zan - to transact knowledge
tzijetja - to consume / devour
tzijetza - to be with / associate with / be beside / stand with / stand beside (more metaphorical senses)
tzijetzja fole - to seem like
tzijetzu - to be with / associate with / be beside / stand with / stand beside / to be in the presence of
tzijiz - to swallow
tzikon xaj - to find (to get the search)
tzilak - to say (something)
tzilipja - move like a circle / roll
tzilofez - to follow mindlessly
tziloka - to look
tziloku - to see
tzilotja - to pump
tziluneja - to judge
tzilunel - to observe
tzilunela - to evaluate
tziluza - to listen to
tziluzu - to hear (bivalent)
tzimolja - to pass time
tzinaj - to contain
tzineit - to be inside something
tzinos - to smell
tzinoxaja - to search (for a time)
tzinuik - to be on top of
tzinul - make into nothing / clear
tzipefoja - move forward
tzipefosa - to grow (of plants)
tzipeit - to reside/ to dwell
tziponozan - to predict
tziposa - to sense
tziposa ar - to feel
tziqur - to calculate / to solve
tzisas - accelerate
tzisem - sauce
tzisyk - to hide / to cover
tzisyt - to have fun / to play
tzisyta - have fun
tzitela - to drink
tzitelju - to water
tzitelju - to water
tzitul - diminish
tzizanja - to comprehend
tzizanu - to know
tzuf - between / through
tzuf - through / between
tzuf tzemju nis xil li tzitaf - dividing line between land / fence
tzufolu - range of quality
tzumolu - range of space / measure
tzunolu - between times / duration
tzurolu - range of ways to do something / range of techniques
tzusolu - between amounts / range
um - no
um is kon myharu sil jetz jekofosju telum tin polju jekofosu liz - you aren't the smartest nut in the nutcracker
ur - wave / vibration
ur ponozanjaum - unpredictable wave / chaos / unrest
xaif - structure / edifice
xaj - search (noun - abstract)
xap - weak
xejtzuz - dyslexia
xen - exterior
xep - bread
xer - tool
xihelja - spindle
xil - thread / line / long thing / y coordinate space
xil lanas - line / queue (of people)
xil li tzitaf - dividing line / partition
xil sot les (jetz) - stick (long-thing from-essence-of tree)
xilipju / lipju xiliz - thread wheel / spool
xilitaf - partition
xilitaf tzemju - plot partition / fence
xilju - static length of something
xilju fen - grass
xilu - measure
xir - revolution / revolve
xira - to turn
xof - feces
xutz - violence (physical)
xyt - sharp / acute
xytju - sharp thing / knife
zan - knowledge
zana - wisdom
zanja - comprehension
zanu - historical / cultural knowledge
zar - age
zin / taz lil - lightweight
zin tzifixa - to caress / to touch lightly
zipik - part / chunk / portion / piece
zipik hijuqa xizituliz - part of a pig / side of pork
zipik hup - piece of music
zir - wide / broad
zolap - for some reason
zole - for this reason
zolek - for all reasons
zolit - why? (for what reason?)
zolum - for no reason
zor - model / representation
zor lanas - model person / mannequin
zora - clone / duplicate
zoru - fake / false
zul - shaman
zul tuliz - shaman of the deep

Along with martens, goulish goats and the rippling fen -
these writings 1993-2023 by Bob Murry Shelton are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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