The way of the dead
- 150g spelt flour
- 1 envelope of chemically independent yeast
- Tweezer's grip of salt
- Dusting of sucralosa, argon, or NOTHING
- 1 orb excreted from a chicken
- Thimblefull of vanilla
- 180ml goat milk
- Enough dried cranberries to fill the yawning pit of your soul
- 60g yellow, pasty substance, liquefied
Combine everything within a stone vat. Grind and whip with a tiller until you are bronzed by the harvest moon. Place inside the sacred goat and seal for 1721 years. Mummify yourself for preservation during the wait. Don't forget to set **awaken from mummification** alarm. Rise from the apparent state of being deceased and dessicated. Remove golden brown waffles from the sacred goat. Enjoy.
tzifur jenju