
Here lies Martes Flavigula, eternally beneath the splintered earth.

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Survey Silliness at 5.32 in the Morning
Sun, 06 Nov, 2005 05.00 UTC

1) Who is the biggest dumbass you know?

George W. Bush Jr. (Also Acy’s answer, but I can’t think of anyone who is a bigger dumbass.)

2) What is your favorite kind of cheese?


3) What county were you born in?


4) Automatic or Manual?


5) Does tequila make your clothes fall off?

I don’t wear clothes.

6) What is the biggest piece of furniture you own?

A sofa.

7) Have you ever licked the cheese off a Dorito & not eaten it?

Absolutely not.

8) What song would you like to be listening to right now?


9) Innie or outie?

Depends on the day.

13) Are you a tactful person?

It depends on who I am with at the time. With strangers/lesser known people, yes, usually. With friends, nope.

14) Have you ever told someone they didn’t look bad when they asked when they actually did look bad?

Of course.

15) Do you question the norm?

I question conformity (just like the Aceman, again).

16) Do you like to pop other peoples zits?

Only with wire cutters.

17) Are you guilty of handing out unsolicited advice?


18) Do you prefer to give or receive presents?


19) Have you ever ridden a horse?


20) Do you own a deep fat fryer (like a fry-daddy)?

I do it in a big pot. Plus - the only two things I deep fry are Felafel and Stray Pets.

21) Do you like the smell of Ketchup?


22) Have you ever regifted anyone?

I am unaware of what regifted means.

23) Have you ever smoked Pot?

Not this week, baby.

24) Are you an impulsive person?


25) Have you ever committed a Random Act Of Kindness?


26) How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Four, counting house slippers and sandals.

27) Do you read shampoo bottle & ect. in the shower or bathtub?

I don’t wash myself.

28) Does it bother you that someone you know, other than your family members, feel free to just walk in your house without knocking?


29) Do you know anyone who has the uncanny ability to be able to (accurately) finish your sentences?


30) Give me another word for penis?

Klobasa, úd, pyj, pero.

31) Give me another word for vagina?

Kunda, píča, el coño.

32) If you could own your own company or business, what kind would it be?

Cafe or pub.

33) How many pets do you have?

Three if you count my flatmate.

34) Have you ever had a “Fling”?


35) Nachos or Pretzels (stadium kind)?


36) Do you think Brad & Angelina will last?

I have no clue who Brad and Angelina are.

37) Do you care?

Not at all.

38) Who makes you laugh the most?

Chris Bender.

39) Do you consider yourself a beautiful person on the inside?

I consider myself a rodent on the inside.

40) Do think Michael Jackson is a freak or just misunderstood?

I have no opinion.

41) If you could be on any reality show, which one would it be?

Sex with Sheep and Goats in the Czech Republic.

42) Do you like lightening bugs?

Insects are for the weak.

43) Have you ever had sex on a trampoline?


44) Have you ever had to have an enema?


45) Have you ever gotten an autograph from a professional athlete?


46) Who is the biggest slut you know (male or female)?

Daša Čermaková.

47) When I say the word ASSWIPE, who comes to mind?

Charles Burnside.

48) Have you ever let someone have something that was very special to you because they needed it more?


49) Can you sing well?

Only if I concentrate very hard.

50) How many time a day do you poop?


51) What is your favorite website?


52) Do you consider yourself an addict of any kind?

Yes, though Lucía strongly disagrees.

53) If your closest friend’s companion came on to you would you tell your friend?


54) What is your favorite song to make fun of?

Anything by Divokej Bill.

55) Do you laugh alot?


56) Do you cry alot?


57) Have you ever saved anyone’s life?

Not directly.

58) What is your favorite thing to do to relax?

Go to the Zoo.

59) Do you ever count sheep?

No, but I shag them.

60) Did you enjoy this survey?


Along with martens, goulish goats and the rippling fen -
these writings 1993-2023 by Bob Murry Shelton are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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