
Here lies Martes Flavigula, eternally beneath the splintered earth.

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Blog -

Fri, 15 Nov, 2013 23.38 UTC

I just finished my Spanish lesson for the day. Or for the double-day. That is, I did not do one yesterday, unfortunately. I spent yesterday, instead, working on the layout of this blog. The **UI**, vole. Yes. *The part that this small pine marten hates*. Overall, however, I have enjoyed my experience with *ember.js* and plan to continue its use with the new version of the **radiotracking** apparatus. I have big hopes for that project. If it falls by the wayside like many of my projects have in the past, I s...

Wed, 13 Nov, 2013 23.48 UTC

I wished to write every day in Spain, but I have slacked horribly. I am consumed by illness. Yes, it is only sinusitus, but it has taken me prisoner. Its cage is my bloated head. One three trap hike with Madis this morning destroyed me and I had to be returned to *home*. The last days have gone similarly. I awaken early, judge whether it is practical for me to go help with the trap-checking, have discovered it practical both yesterday and today, and accompanied. I was wrong about my ablities today. Yester...

Sun, 10 Nov, 2013 15.19 UTC

Madis expounds regularly about Esonia's people. They are cold, closed and hard to get close to. He contrasts this with culture in Spain, where, as I have experienced both in my previous life in San Sebastian and in my current life in Cihuri, extroversion pervades. I am welcomed. I am pampered. I am endlessly given favours I never thought to even ask for. In Estonia, this was only true among those I called close friends (Tiit, Grisha?). During our radiotracking week, Kairi told me she was all for gene shari...

Wed, 06 Nov, 2013 17.40 UTC

> If we admit any ambiguity in the moral authority of nature, people worry that > we’ll have no ability to recognize better or worse relationships to nature. > All that will be left is whatever we want to do. Oh? Does nature have moral authority? In my experience, most people think that it does not at all. I've heard humans expound on the beauty of nature and how they love being among it. Yet, they are still rabid consumers. There is a dichotomy in their minds. Perhaps they do recognize and appreciate the ...

Mon, 04 Nov, 2013 12.34 UTC

I'm not a morning person. In fact, my mental capacities do not begin functioning at full capacity until circa eleven. Still, I conform. Yesterday, we set thirty-four (?) traps over a course of many kliometers. The work was the most stenuous I have participated in for many a millenia. During the latter third of the process, my body was aching, I was having quite a hard time keeping up with Madis, and was overall rather miserable. And though my body still aches, I do not regret my decision to be a part of t...

Sat, 02 Nov, 2013 13.45 UTC

Radiohead blares from my tinny shittypie speakers. I am enjoying in immensely. The shuffle mix of four albums (Opeth - *Watershed*, Pink Floyd - *Obscured by Clouds*, Radiohead - *In Rainbows*, Univers Zero - *The Hard Quest*) I created yesterday continues. Perhaps Banshee will stop its slight irritation of stopping at the end of each track. We shall see soon. So begins my second full day in Rioja. I live in a flat adjacent to Madis. It is huge (for a small animal such as me) and mostly empty. I spend most...

Wed, 30 Oct, 2013 23.49 UTC

I feel as if it has been a small eternity since my last flight. Let me see. When was it? Oh... From Prague to Houston. I recall vividly the police-type-person in the booth checking passports shaking his head disgustingly at me. I had been a few months over in my stay in the Schengen. He did not stamp my passport at all. After his disgusted head-shake, he just handed it back to me. I wonder what, if any, problems this will cause when I arrive in Madrid in nine-odd hours. **Nine-odd hours** That is, if the ...

Tue, 29 Oct, 2013 22.24 UTC

My mother often created apple/tuna/mayo sandwiches for me (on white bread, desafortunadamente) when I was young. Accordingly, I created one recently and consumed it. Supplanting mayo was jalepeno mustard. Additions were cilantro and horseradish. It was yummy. ...

Tue, 29 Oct, 2013 14.15 UTC

Justin gave Hope Roberts an 87 on her exam. He seems quite proud of his student. He mentioned that she had been lost at the beginning. I imagined a furry, brown mouse that had been kept for all of its darling life in a cloistered cage, cared for with devotion. Suddenly, she is placed in an utterly flabbergasting maze. It stretches and curves elastically. Bizarre angles greet her with each twelve and a half paces. Actually, I am just testing testing testing the new martenblog entry uploading device. Once I ...

Thu, 18 Apr, 2013 04.00 UTC

The giant hammer stands, or rather squats, over the dry, patchy landscape. The scant blades of grass in its ever-moving shadow reach up almost reverently. Their capabilities of growth are limited, however. The denizens who call the grass their gods scurry beneath. They have no real concept of the hammer. It is too vast. A lifetime of one of these small creatures would pass were it to try to traverse from the base of the structure to its summit. It's ever-moving summit. So the three levels of existence perp...

Wed, 23 Jan, 2013 01.17 UTC

I pain myself at the moment, as people beg my pleasure. I am immaculate. I stand proud to be loved. Or at least wanted. Or at least questioned. Well, what is the difference, really? I encouraged Christián to create a blog. He will not because he craves immediate satisfaction. Oh... I know that I do, as well, but he is more adept at it and that is why it is easier for him to fail. ...

Along with martens, goulish goats and the rippling fen -
these writings 1993-2023 by Bob Murry Shelton are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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