
Here lies Martes Flavigula, eternally beneath the splintered earth.

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Thu, 04 Nov, 2004 15.00 UTC

Acy, you told me four years ago that you liked this song. Finally, I got the CD again (the original was stolen by someone who is a friend of us all). http://polaris.fucksheep.org/peter_blegvad/Downtime/14_-_Say_No_Now.mp3 Pa pa pa... ---------------- Commentaries: Tony: > Stolen by whom? Me: > I won't say. I'll leave it to your imagination. Acy: > I don't really remember the song too well, except for a hint of recognition at the chorus :) But it really brought back that time in my life, and that vis...

Thu, 21 Oct, 2004 09.00 UTC

I woke up this morning clutching my penis. Strange because I did not have any sexual dreams. I dreamt about Fort Stockton, as I usually do, but of a surreal Fort Stockton. I walked along what I suppose was Main Street, past the strange and outdated drugstore which still served fountain drinks -- the one Chris and I went to some years ago -- the one Acy and I went to after visiting Joni when I was still in that rabid High School. I turned right, along Guadalupe Avenue, if that exists. I don't remember. I cam...

Wed, 06 Oct, 2004 10.00 UTC

I really don't update this thing very often, do I? Well, I can expound on today's plan, however. I shall go home, get drunk and play nethack until I pass out. When I awaken, I shall prepare for my trip to České Budějovice and figure out when I can possibly go visit Maja in Munich. Perhaps the following weekend? Women are very good at making me feel guilty. **Music:** Peter Blegvad ----------- Commentaries: Jayson: > Nethack... so did you win? Me: > No, I gave up after a while from frustration and wa...

Thu, 24 Jun, 2004 10.00 UTC

"A woman's test is material. A man's test is a woman...if a man could fuck in a cardboard box, he wouldn't buy a house." - Rabbi Dave Chappelle ------ Commentaries: Acy: > I am a pan of fed ants. Me: > I am happy to hear that. How difficult was it to scatter your consciousness among a scampering horde of insects? Acy: > I simply infused my brain with neurotransmitter-sampling nanomachines and advanced cryoprotectants. The nanosamplers inserted themselves densely into my cell membranes and then, afte...

Thu, 27 May, 2004 10.00 UTC

The feathers from a deflowered dandelion float about the office. I am the only one who notices. All else is sunlight and obstacle. **Music:** Marillion - The Invisible Man ...

Wed, 12 May, 2004 10.00 UTC

**Context:** Some quiz passed around on Livejournal (some misname these things _memes_ these days) that resulted in: > Barefoot- free, rebellious, and wild, you hate > boundries and rules. You tend to be on the > crazy side and often sweep people up along with > you. You are most likely the leader of your > group of friends. [please vote! thank you! :)] ------- Commentaries: fjolublatt: > oich, you got that barefoot-thingy too. Me: > yeah. it's a pity that i am usually shoed, however! Anonymou...

Wed, 14 Apr, 2004 12.00 UTC

I am very hazy today. Of course, the reason for that is lack of sleep, a predominate norm in my life these days. It seems every night is punctuated with intermittent periods of slumber between longer and longer bouts with wakefulness. Shouldn't I be used to this sort of thing by now? Anyhow, the office is ruefully quiet. Some fan-like-apparatus buzzes in the background. I let it be as my companion since my ears are a bit numb from the hours with my headphones. Am I the only one who feels increasingly letha...

Sat, 10 Apr, 2004 12.00 UTC

Well, it is interesting to find that Jayson has joined LiveJournal (a perfectly booming population) and added me to his frineds. I thought for sure that my American compadres had abandoned me forever. Or maybe I reacted overly much perchance because of the extreme ideas that Loyal and Suzie portray. I don't know. The contrast is that people here are much less judgemental. It is nice to be around people who accept you for who you are no matter what. I could stay at Rostej's flat forever, drink myself blind e...

Sat, 11 Jan, 2003 00.33 UTC

I cooked Tortilla con Patatas this noon between talks to my, i suppose, ex-love. She told me she'd call in 1 1/2 or 2 hours and I took a walk, came back, was hungry, was lonely, was despondent. So I created the tortilla. I made a fucking mess in Suzie and Loyal's kitchen. The tortillia was mediocre. Like me. Today was the last day I will talk to Jana. She leaves to England in less than 6 hours. Our discussion today was among the most sexual and most relentlessly depairing. Details would be painful. Would yo...

Tue, 07 Jan, 2003 13.17 UTC

tigresa should thank nedbathlus for her opportunity to become a livejournal member or I shall personally skin and bone her, or, with the correct implements, create sausage from her. I am very fond of sausage. *Susie -* > Thank you very much nedbalthus, for being so kind as to allow me access to > romp here! It is much appreciated. I shall endeavor one day to return the > favor. > As for Bob, feel the bite of stiletto! ...

Mon, 06 Jan, 2003 17.28 UTC

Absurdly, as usual, I have chanced upon a possible conclusion as to why I was so attracted to Jana at first. (You must remember that this was 1 1/2 years ago.) Possibly one factor was because she was such an untalented smoker. Just like Vesna. Even Vesna's sister commented over and over again that Vesna had no style whilst smoking. Her cigarette hung clumsily in her fingers and her wrist tilted at awkward angles. When I first met Jana, in that pub with a name I cannot recall, when I ordered Lucky Strikes Li...

Along with martens, goulish goats and the rippling fen -
these writings 1993-2023 by Bob Murry Shelton are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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