
Here lies Martes Flavigula, eternally beneath the splintered earth.

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Tue, 29 May, 2001 16.24 UTC

(defun permute (govno) (cond ((null govno) '(())) (t (mapcan #'(lambda (element) (mapcar #'(lambda (perm) (cons element perm)) (permute (remove* element govno :count 1 :test #'eq)))) govno)))...

Mon, 28 May, 2001 20.58 UTC

So I have just spent an hour updating my livejournal "interests". A few surprising notes: I found another Magma fan, a Henry Cow fan, and a few other fractional siblings in thought. It is just simply amazing the kind of people you can find when you have a site available to the diversity offered on the internet. One thing I did notice, however, and which disappointed me, is that very few journals I perused were written by non-USA-type-people (only one, in fact). Still no work on "Stone Calendar". I shall so...

Mon, 28 May, 2001 15.32 UTC

Whoopie! Today I finalized my residence and work permit in the nefarious, humid, crowded Kreisverwaltungsreferat. Say that 26 times quickly. Fucksheep seems to be down. No idea why. The weekend was filled with pattern matching code which flowed from my fingers and into Emacs flawlessly (well, actually with a few flaws, but they can be overlooked). But, unfortunately, I did not even as much as touch my guitar. Can I will myself to remedy this today? As in the past, the onslaught of encroaching summer hate (...

Fri, 25 May, 2001 22.33 UTC

Heat. A breeze would be nice, but this stifling computer lab, windows though it has open, offers not even a hint of one. Bells play about my aural sphere, emanating from somewhere other than this room (although sweltering they may be, as well). Ah, the mediaeval postures of a modern city. I began a book on buddhism. I am taken back to my days in Clear Lake, alone in my commodious dwelling, poised in meditation, and oddly satisfied. Prolly just nostalgia. Boris gave the tome to Vesna. She might well benefi...

Wed, 23 May, 2001 18.10 UTC

What would mother say if I joined a monastery? Father would be peeved. Escape from the toils reeking of penitence into routinized bliss. What a grey future I see. But I have said that hundreds of times and Sweet Entropy has come to the rescue. I await her again. ...

Tue, 24 Apr, 2001 00.00 UTC

I cannot believe the govno people write in this forum. bleh. > Tony replies: Someone has to. ...

Sat, 03 Feb, 2001 05.00 UTC

I think today is February 3. I will never send this letter to Dana. It would be abortive - futile venture. In another key, another motif, the advantage to being alone is that I can stay out as late as I wish, get as drunk as I want, etc, and there is no one at home waiting to complain. If the reader now makes the assumption that I *AM* alone, he / she would be incorrect. There days ago, or so, Vesna and I moved into a flat rather near the dreaded ex-workplace -> *1 2 Snap*. I now sit in a pub 100m from tha...

Thu, 14 Dec, 2000 05.00 UTC

There I am on a train again, spinning away from you. The pain is intense, maybe akin to what you feel -- distraught, lost. I have made a number of relatively terrible mistakes in my life, but I must admit that leaving you has to be the worst. Now I expect you'll change your phone number, your emails, perhaps even your name to cut me from your life. I wonder if you can forgive this stupidity of mine. I reread your *I Love You* note that is warmly nestled in my pocket and much to my chagrin, I could not help...

Tue, 12 Dec, 2000 05.00 UTC

Displacement is unforgiveable. All I can think about is the distance from my love, the lies I tell to make my isolation greater, and a growing emptiness engulfing me. If I lose Vesna, which is a possibility, I think I'll become a hermit. She told me herself that she feels she could never love again -- ie, if we split up, she could never be with anyone else. She feels like loving solitude, much like me. This similarity, along with so many others I have with her, is staggeringly dumbfounding. Sad, stupid co...

Sat, 09 Dec, 2000 05.00 UTC

Neglectful Bob, it seems. Much time has passed 'tween the last and this entry in my journal. I am at [Cafefour](https://www.google.com/maps/preview/place/Soukenick%C3%A1+1084%2F2,+110+00+Praha,+Czech+Republic/@50.0907068,14.4281256,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x470b94c1d5ab4b49:0x9c0d2ffe4a1cb10c) in Prague: that place next to the dreaded *Pivrnec* near Náměstí Republiky and a former place of employment dubbed *EIN*. #### Earnest Intellectual Naivete. Two kurvy have seated themselves facing me, babbling i...

Sun, 10 Sep, 2000 04.00 UTC

The good news is that Dana and I are communicating again like good *creatures* should. The bad news is that I have Vesna here, also communicating well, happy and semi-satisfied. She said a few very poignant things last night with which I agree wholeheartedly. She said I should love her not because she is *good for me*, but because she is great. What she means is that I should love her for who she is, not what she does. Dana said the exact same thing. The way she is, not her doings, aspirations, etc, shoul...

Along with martens, goulish goats and the rippling fen -
these writings 1993-2023 by Bob Murry Shelton are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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